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Allowed HTML tags: <img> <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <var> <abbr> <acronym> <kbd> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <blockcode> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <table> <tbody> <thead> <tfoot> <tr> <td> <th> <p>
Tento web povoluje HTML obsah. Možná vás děsí učení se HTML, ale naučit se používat několik málo nejzákladnějších HTML "značek" je velice snadné. Tato tabulka poskytuje příklady pro každou značku povolenou na tomto webu.
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DZ Chybí nápověda pro značku kbd. Nečíslovaný seznam - použijte <li> na začátku každé položky seznamu <ul> <li>První položka</li> <li>Druhá položka</li> </ul>
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- Druhá položka
Seznam definice je podobný ostatním HTML seznamům. <dl> začíná seznam definic, <dt> začíná termín a <dd> začíná popis definice. <dl> <dt>První termín</dt> <dd>První definice</dd> <dt>Druhý termín</dt> <dd>Druhý definice</dd> </dl>
- První termín
- První definice
- Druhý termín
- Druhý definice
Chybí nápověda pro značku blockcode. Nadpis <h1>Nadpis</h1>
Nadpis <h2>Podnadpis</h2>
Nadpis <h3>Podnadpis tři</h3>
Podnadpis tři
Nadpis <h4>Podnadpis čtyři</h4>
Podnadpis čtyři
Nadpis <h5>Podnadpis pět</h5>
Podnadpis pět
Tabulka <table> <tr><th>Záhlaví tabulky</th></tr> <tr><td>Buňka tabulky</td></tr> </table>
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Odstavec jedna.
Odstavec dvě.
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Pokud narazíte na problémy, zkuste použít HTML entity. Např. zapište & pro znak ampersandu &. Kompletní seznam HTML entit naleznete na stránce entity. Mezi nejpoužívanější patří:
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> Menší než <
< Uvozovky "
" - Automaticky se rozeznávají řádky a odstavce. Automaticky se vloží značky pro zalomení řádku <br />, začátek <p> a konec </p> odstavce. Pokud nejsou odstavce rozeznány, prostě přidejte pár prázdných řádků.
Syntax highlighting of source code can be enabled with the following tags:
- Generic syntax highlighting tags: "
", "<blockcode>
". - Language specific syntax highlighting tags: .
Options and tips:
- The language for the generic syntax highlighting tags can be specified with one of the attribute(s): type, lang, language. The possible values are: "
" (for ABAP), "actionscript
" (for ActionScript), "actionscript3
" (for ActionScript 3), "ada
" (for Ada), "apache
" (for Apache configuration), "applescript
" (for AppleScript), "apt_sources
" (for Apt sources), "asm
" (for ASM), "asp
" (for ASP), "autoit
" (for AutoIt), "avisynth
" (for AviSynth), "bash
" (for Bash), "basic4gl
" (for Basic4GL), "bf
" (for Brainfuck), "bibtex
" (for BibTeX), "blitzbasic
" (for BlitzBasic), "bnf
" (for bnf), "boo
" (for Boo), "c
" (for C), "c_mac
" (for C (Mac)), "caddcl
" (for CAD DCL), "cadlisp
" (for CAD Lisp), "cfdg
" (for CFDG), "cfm
" (for ColdFusion), "cil
" (for CIL), "cmake
" (for CMake), "cobol
" (for COBOL), "cpp
" (for C++), "cpp-qt
" (for C++ (QT)), "csharp
" (for C#), "css
" (for CSS), "d
" (for D), "dcs
" (for DCS), "delphi
" (for Delphi), "diff
" (for Diff), "div
" (for DIV), "dos
" (for DOS), "dot
" (for dot), "drupal5
" (for Drupal 5), "drupal6
" (for Drupal 6), "eiffel
" (for Eiffel), "email
" (for eMail (mbox)), "erlang
" (for Erlang), "fo
" (for FO (abas-ERP)), "fortran
" (for Fortran), "freebasic
" (for FreeBasic), "genero
" (for genero), "gettext
" (for GNU Gettext), "glsl
" (for glSlang), "gml
" (for GML), "gnuplot
" (for Gnuplot), "groovy
" (for Groovy), "haskell
" (for Haskell), "hq9plus
" (for HQ9+), "html4strict
" (for HTML), "idl
" (for Uno Idl), "ini
" (for INI), "inno
" (for Inno), "intercal
" (for INTERCAL), "io
" (for Io), "java
" (for Java), "java5
" (for Java(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0), "javascript
" (for Javascript), "kixtart
" (for KiXtart), "klonec
" (for KLone C), "klonecpp
" (for KLone C++), "latex
" (for LaTeX), "lisp
" (for Lisp), "locobasic
" (for Locomotive Basic), "lolcode
" (for LOLcode), "lotusformulas
" (for Lotus Notes @Formulas), "lotusscript
" (for LotusScript), "lscript
" (for LScript), "lsl2
" (for LSL2), "lua
" (for Lua), "m68k
" (for Motorola 68000 Assembler), "make
" (for GNU make), "matlab
" (for Matlab M), "mirc
" (for mIRC Scripting), "modula3
" (for Modula-3), "mpasm
" (for Microchip Assembler), "mxml
" (for MXML), "mysql
" (for MySQL), "nsis
" (for NSIS), "oberon2
" (for Oberon-2), "objc
" (for Objective-C), "ocaml
" (for OCaml), "ocaml-brief
" (for OCaml (brief)), "oobas
" (for OpenOffice.org Basic), "oracle11
" (for Oracle 11 SQL), "oracle8
" (for Oracle 8 SQL), "pascal
" (for Pascal), "per
" (for per), "perl
" (for Perl), "php
" (for PHP), "php-brief
" (for PHP (brief)), "pic16
" (for PIC16), "pixelbender
" (for Pixel Bender 1.0), "plsql
" (for PL/SQL), "povray
" (for POVRAY), "powershell
" (for PowerShell), "progress
" (for Progress), "prolog
" (for Prolog), "properties
" (for PROPERTIES), "providex
" (for ProvideX), "python
" (for Python), "qbasic
" (for QBasic/QuickBASIC), "rails
" (for Rails), "rebol
" (for REBOL), "reg
" (for Microsoft Registry), "robots
" (for robots.txt), "ruby
" (for Ruby), "sas
" (for SAS), "scala
" (for Scala), "scheme
" (for Scheme), "scilab
" (for SciLab), "sdlbasic
" (for sdlBasic), "smalltalk
" (for Smalltalk), "smarty
" (for Smarty), "sql
" (for SQL), "tcl
" (for TCL), "teraterm
" (for Tera Term Macro), "text
" (for Text), "thinbasic
" (for thinBasic), "tsql
" (for T-SQL), "typoscript
" (for TypoScript), "vb
" (for Visual Basic), "vbnet
" (for vb.net), "verilog
" (for Verilog), "vhdl
" (for VHDL), "vim
" (for Vim Script), "visualfoxpro
" (for Visual Fox Pro), "visualprolog
" (for Visual Prolog), "whitespace
" (for Whitespace), "whois
" (for Whois (RPSL format)), "winbatch
" (for Winbatch), "xml
" (for XML), "xorg_conf
" (for Xorg configuration), "xpp
" (for X++), "z80
" (for ZiLOG Z80 Assembler). - Line numbering can be enabled/disabled with the attribute "linenumbers". Possible values are: "off" for no line numbers, "normal" for normal line numbers and "fancy" for fancy line numbers (every nth line number highlighted). The start line number can be specified with the attribute "start", which implicitly enables normal line numbering. For fancy line numbering the interval for the highlighted line numbers can be specified with the attribute "fancy", which implicitly enables fancy line numbering.
- If the source code between the tags contains a newline (e.g. immediatly after the opening tag), the highlighted source code will be displayed as a code block. Otherwise it will be displayed inline.
- Default highlighting mode for generic syntax highlighting tags: when no language attribute is specified, no syntax highlighting will be done.
- Default line numbering: normal line numbers.
You type You get <code>foo = "bar";</code>
Inline code with the default syntax highlighting mode. <code>
foo = "bar";
baz = "foz";
</code>Code block with the default syntax highlighting mode. <code lang="autoit" linenumbers="normal">
foo = "bar";
baz = "foz";
</code>Code block with syntax highlighting for AutoIt source code
and normal line numbers.<code language="autoit" start="23" fancy="7">
foo = "bar";
baz = "foz";
</code>Code block with syntax highlighting for AutoIt source code,
line numbers starting from 23
and highlighted line numbers every 7th line.- Generic syntax highlighting tags: "
Gallery2 Filter:
You can link to items in your embedded Gallery2 using a special code. This code will be replaced by a thumbnail image that is linked to the actual item in your Gallery.
[G2:item_id n=number type=type size=number class=name frame=name album_frame=name item_frame=name]
- item_id (required): This is the item ID from Gallery2. If you look at the URL of the item, this is the last number. Note that if the item_id is a single photo, n must be 1.
- n (suggested): This is the number of photos you want the block to show. It will override whatever is set in the defaults (initially 1). Note: this will change past instances where you did not set n -- the reason for its suggested use.
- type: The default type of gallery block. Any of the following may be used: randomImage, recentImage, viewedImage, randomAlbum, recentAlbum, viewedAlbum, dailyImage, weeklyImage, monthlyImage, dailyAlbum, weeklyAlbum, monthlyAlbum, specificItem. Note that for n=1, selectedItem is automatically chosen regardless of this parameter.
- class: The block that Gallery2 returns is wrapped in a DIV so additional styling can be done. The classes for this DIV are located in g2_filter.css. Included with the module are "left", "right", and "nowrap". These position the image block to the left or right or on a line all its own with the text not wrapping. You can also add your own class(es) to the CSS file and they will automatically be available.
- size: The length of the longest side for the thumbnail. The other side is determined automatically to keep the same aspect ratio. This option (for Gallery2.2 and above) will use the gallery image that is closest in size, and so may end up using a smaller image and expanding it (lower quality). If so, use "exactsize". For Gallery2.1, if you want your size to be bigger than the thumbnail size for that image as defined in your Gallery2, you must select "Full Size" in the gallery settings page (but note that the full image will be returned and then resized by the browser, so it may take a while to download).
- exactsize: The length of the longest side for the thumbnail. The other side is determined automatically to keep the same aspect ratio. This option always ensures that the image is scaled from a larger image and so image quality is maintained. This only works for Gallery2.2 and above.
- frame/album_frame/item_frame: You can use just "frame" to assign a frame to the thumbnail regardless of whether it's for an album or a single item. Using aframe will only affect albums and iframe will only affect single items. Frames included with the default Gallery 2 install are: bamboo, book, brand , dots, flicking, gold, gold2, polaroid, polaroids, shadow, shells, slide, solid, notebook, wood.